
Big girl panties

Cravings are NO joke people! 
They're as bossy as my five month old when she demands that we party at 3am. 

V: "Time to parrrrrrrtayy!!"
Me: "Please let this be a nightmare."
V: "Nope.  This is your reality."
Me: I decide at the point the only thing that will get me through the day is a chocolate cake. With 3" of icing. NO exceptions.

Prepping for a bikini competition is not for the weak, or hungry.  It requires a shitload of discipline and strength.  Most days it's hard to stay on track, especially while my family happily devours pints of Ben & Jerry's and pizzas by the pie.  Ok, so they're not doing that, but I feel like it because they're not eating as strict as me, so they may as well be.  I texted my coach and told him I was about to misbehave if he didn't come up with a solution to my what I consider an early death. 

His response, "Be strong and stop obsessing over something that will give you 10 minutes of satisfaction and days of grief."  So effing true but I still hated that he was right, and IS right.  Our cravings come from a place in our body that is deficient in other ways.  If you're not eating whole foods and foods that are good for you in general, your body talks.  Sometimes it screams, sometimes it whispers but mostly it puts you in your place.  It will happily walk you to the junk food cabinet that you've put 7 padlocks on or drive you to the store itself and carry you to the ice cream isle and do its best to pick out your favorite flavor.  What jerks!  Yet, generous and courteous at the same time.

You just have to listen.  I KNOW it's hard.  But you just have to do it if you want certain things.  NO you can't have ho-ho's if you want to lose weight. 
Not even one.  Put your big girl panties on and get yourself some discipline dammit!  By the way, I'm totally talking to myself here.  I need to listen to my own advice.  Also, I just finished the last of the Oreos. 


This is all brand new to me.  It's actually more of a pain in the ass, but, I know what I need to do to get where I want to be.  If I want it bad enough, the more disciplined I will have to be.


So, you ask, what do I do to prevent myself from inhaling a large pizza solo or finding the bottom of a Ben & Jerry's ice cream carton?  I remember how STRONG I am and deal with it.  I have learned that drinking a ton of water and stuffing my face with veggies and, most importantly, eating 5 times a day has really curbed my cravings.  I literally set my timer as to when I can eat again.  I will forget because I will have filled that time with something that isn't me shoving food down my gullet, which right now is of utmost importance. Well, that of course, and making sure I keep my kids alive. 

And, I cannot forget this lifesaver.  This has literally glided me to my next meal. I drink two protein shakes a day with lots of yummy stuff in it for my mid day snacks.  I add a little spinach to help me poop.  I love pooping.  Don't act like you don't.  You know it's the highlight of your week.  And if you disagree, evaluate your mood after not going for a week.  That's right.  Hold that shit in. 

Oh my god.  I'm hilarious


1/2c. liquid egg whites
1/2c. unsweetened Almond Milk
1/4c. blueberries
1/2 banana
1TBSP peanut butter
1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder
add water and ice to consistency of your liking

A trick I learned to get as much water in your body as possible is, whenever you go to take a drink of water, take 10 moderate sips.  That way, every time you drink, you're drinking way more than you normally would.  I think what I need to do is buy a gallon of water and just continue to refill it and make sure I drink that everyday.  They recommend you drink half of your body weight in oz.  My goal is to just keep drinking until I'm no longer hungry.  Or throw up.  Whichever happens first, I know I've drank more than I'm used to. 

One thing I've found that has kept me on the right track are progress pictures.  When I want to give up, I look at those and remember how far I've come and how giving up is NOT an option.   

The picture on the left was 8 days after my daughter was born and the picture on the right was on 1/30/16.

There is no destination in my book, only adventures.  I'm not stopping after I step foot on that stage.  This is only the beginning. 

    I love me some Jillian

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